How has COVID changed your holiday marketing strategies?

This past year changed the way we live and work. As a result, many business owners were forced to re-invent their marketing plans for the holiday season to accommodate shifts in consumer habits. Read on to see how businesses in a variety of different retail markets...

Why is WordPress Best for SEO?

There are plenty of website platforms out there. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, but many people will tell you that when it comes to SEO, WordPress rules the day. Read on to find out why. Robin Young Robin Young is the CEO and founder of Fitness Savvy. As a...

When do you “need” SEO? 35 experts tell you.

Search engine optimization—is it a nice option for some businesses or an absolute necessity for every company? And if it’s truly needed, at what point is it vital? From the beginning? Once a business starts to gain traction? Or only when a company wants to grow, or...

Best Tools for SEO? Here are 20 Suggestions

Search engine optimization—either for your own business or your clients’—takes ongoing effort and innovation if you want to stand out in a crowded online universe. Fortunately, even though competition has stiffened with the expanding influence of the internet, a...
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