SEO Tips From Enterprise SEO Expert
and internet marketing news
How do I rank for X that is super competitive?
This is a common question. "How do you get to the top for crowded keywords like shoes, women's clothing, etc." First, I'll not answer it directly and explain why not taking the crowded keyword approach is better. Then, I'll ignore my first answer and give you a direct...
Is optimizing for video different than optimizing a page?
We had a great reader question. Is optimizing for video different than optimizing a page? Optimizing for video is quite different than optimizing for a website or pages within a site. Here's why. 1 - With videos, you primarily have only the video itself, its title,...
Is Your Store Ready for the Black Friday Blitzkrieg?
Black Friday is the biggest shopping day of the year. Millions of shoppers pound the pavement in search of deep discounts. In 2016, Black Friday sales amounted to $1.6 billion. If you own a retail store and want to get your fair share of Black Friday revenue, it’s...
Get Off to an Energetic and Productive Start
Entrepreneurs are a special breed. They often have to be productive and responsive around the clock. It’s not uncommon for entrepreneurs to work well beyond the standard “9 to 5,” then hit the bed exhausted, only to have to wake up at the crack of dawn and do it all...
SEO Press Release Tips
Press releases have run the gamut of being loved and hated for SEO. Right now, they're somewhere in the middle. Press releases these days are only as valuable as the news is exciting. That's not to say that press isn't beneficial in it's own ways, but for SEO there...
Facebook Or Twitter: Which is Better for Your Brand
Facebook and Twitter are the two “heavyweights” of social media, but there’s really no way to determine which is better because each has their advantages for different scenarios. One thing is definite: People consider Facebook and Twitter to be better than Google+ for...
Are Keywords Still Relevant?
If you're wondering if keywords are still relevant in 2016, the simple answer is yes. (No, we're not talking about meta keywords, which died in 2009.) In fact, search engine experts predict that they will remain important for a very long time. However, keywords have...
Is Your Website Ready for Cyber Monday?
Cyber Monday is just around the corner. People will flock to the internet in search of the best deals of the season. If you are an e-commerce business owner, here are some tips to help you get ready for the big day. 1. Prepare your website. Make sure that your Cyber...
What Content Marketing Can Do For Your Website
If you are running an online business, it’s important to devote time and effort to content marketing. On the internet, the best way to back up your product or service is to provide quality content that elaborates on why you offer the best options. This practice is...
25 Tips for Effective Content Marketing [infographic]
Creating content is not enough—you have to market it. Because no matter how great your content is, if it doesn't reach your target audience, it's useless. You have to spread it like a virus. Here are content marketing tips presented by SEO National:
Seeing Through SEO Myths
The Internet is ruled by search engines. It’s essential to understand them, but that can require cutting through prevalent misconceptions about their performance. Don’t be fooled by these common myths. 1. A search engine optimization campaign can save a struggling...
Getting Your Website Ready for Fall
The cooling temperatures are a good reminder that winter is right around the corner. As a business owner, it’s a good time to look ahead before the holiday rush descends. Winter can be an exciting season for businesses owners for a couple reasons. First, people tend...
Top Misconceptions About SEO
If you have a website, you know that search engine optimization is critical, but there is a lot of misinformation out there that blurs the facts and makes it difficult to properly structure your SEO campaign. Here are a few of the most popular myths surrounding SEO....
3 Reasons Why SEO Will Never Die
Rumors regularly fly that SEO is about to die, and something new is about to challenge or replace it. That truth is that there’s no truth to such statements. SEO will never die. It will only evolve. Here are three reasons why SEO will never die. 1. SEO is the biggest...
How You Can Increase Organic Traffic to Your Site
Looking for ways to boost your online sales or lead quantity? Here are some tried and tested tips on how you can boost your exposure from search engines. 1. Do some research. Once you know what words that you would like to show up in search engines for, search them...